COVID-19 and Health Disparities

Throughout fall 2020 Community Information Now has compiled and analyzed a wealth of extant data to shed light on differences in how COVID-19 is affecting Bexar County neighborhoods and groups of people in terms of health, income, employment and business, housing, and other community priorities. This preliminary research is also intended to show how the pandemic is worsening (or just changing) the inequity and injustice already shouldered by marginalized communities.

Bexar County’s health disparities are best seen by looking through both a demographic lens (race/ethnicity, sex, age group) and a place lens (census tract, ZIP code tabulation area). Take a look at each section below to learn more about disparities in COVID-19 burden and other community issues.

Update: a brief video overview of the tool is available.

Explore COVID-19 & place-based disparities by ZIP code [last updated Nov. 2022]

Explore COVID-19 & place-based disparities by census tract [last updated Nov. 2020]

Explore COVID-19 & demographic disparities by county [last updated Nov. 2020]

This work was funded by a COVID-19 Research Grant through a partnership between The Health Collaborative and the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District using CARES Act Funding for that purpose.

Special thanks go to Dr. Golareh Agha and the Metro Health informatics team for assistance with data on COVID-19 tests, cases, hospitalizations, and deaths through November 2020. Please visit Metro Health’s COVID-19 Dashboards & Data hub for a wealth of additional data related to COVID-19 in Bexar County.

The R Shiny code documentation is available on GitHub.