December 13, 2018

New report: adults with ASD and IDD

The Kronkosky Charitable Foundation and Autism LifelineLinks (ALL) have just released a new report about local adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other intellectual and developmental disability (IDD). Because the ASD diagnosis entered common use only recently, very little is known about ASD among adults over about 30 years old. CI:Now was contracted to estimate the number of local adults with ASD, determine how many are not currently in coordinated care, identify common challenges and issues for these individuals and their families, and estimate the annual and lifetime cost of care. The report is available through both the Foundation and ALL websites and will be followed by an ALL-sponsored community forum in February 2019.

Link to Executive Summary [pdf]

Link to Full Report [pdf]

Statement for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza
Bexar Data Dive has a fresh new design!
Access to Health Care in Bexar County During COVID-19


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