October 30, 2019

Community Census and Viz-a-lyzer Training

On Wednesday, November 6 CI:Now is hosting a combined training for nonprofits on the new data.census.gov platform and CI:Now’s own Viz-a-lyzer tool!

After 20 years the U.S. Census Bureau has retired American FactFinder, its statistics and information search engine. Data.census.gov represents a new chapter in the Census Bureau’s dissemination approach by centralizing data access and allowing for a more rapid response to customers. Lacey Loftin, Data Dissemination Specialist at the Census Bureau, will teach attendees how to access tables, maps and data profiles on the new platform, which is very different from American FactFinder.

CI:Now staff will follow with a brief training on the Viz-a-lyzer, which maps and trends dozens of indicators for Bexar County zip codes (ZCTAs) with comparison data for the county, Texas, and the United States.

Space is limited to 30 attendees. Because this training is partly supported by a generous grant from the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation, registration priority will be given to staff of nonprofits serving Bexar, Bandera, Comal, or Kendall Counties. If you’re a student, freelancer, or work for a public agency, foundation, or for-profit organization, please feel free to put your name on the “standby” list. We’ll notify you if a seat opens up and/or when there’s a future training.

To register or for more information, please contact Paulina Cano McCutcheon at Paulina.CanoMcCutcheon@uth.tmc.edu. Feel free to share this invite with nonprofits you think might be interested!

Event Details
Price: Free, but you must bring your own wifi-enabled laptop or tablet
Date: Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
Time: 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Location: Teach for America Offices at the Pearl, 250 E Grayson Street, near the Pearl Stable and Green Restaurant. (Look for the antique gas pumps!)
Parking: Pearl parking lots under Hwy 281, or the Koehler parking garage

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Connect with us at CINow to explore the endless ways data can make communities stronger. Whether you have questions, ideas, training needs, or a potential partnership in mind – we’re happy to hear from you!

PO Box 8149 San Antonio, TX 78208