April 15, 2022

Do you use data? What, how, and why? (survey)

CI:Now has launched a community survey to learn whether and how members of our local community use data. What we learn from the survey will help us build tools and offer services that respond directly to real community needs.

For the purposes of this survey, data refers to any community condition or trend. That could mean, for example, COVID vaccination coverage, crime rates, population percentages, high school graduation rates, or other information about neighborhoods or groups people.

We’re only using this information to help us understand community needs. Your answers will not be shared with third parties.

Respond here:

Please forward this newsletter or just the survey link to any friends, family, and coworkers in Bexar County whom you think might be willing to share their thoughts with us.

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We Want to Meet You!

Connect with us at CINow to explore the endless ways data can make communities stronger. Whether you have questions, ideas, training needs, or a potential partnership in mind – we’re happy to hear from you!

PO Box 8149 San Antonio, TX 78208