UPDATE 10/4/2023

Bexar County Well-Being Survey

Thanks for your interest in the Bexar County Well-Being Survey, and an even bigger thanks if you responded! We’re still analyzing the data – more on that below – and we’ll post our overall results here just as soon as we can.


Our Challenges

Because of the low response rate issue, we were funded to test whether other methods would get a better response rate than phone interviews here in Bexar County. We distributed the survey through our own networks, social media, SMS text, and mail. Now we’re in the process of looking at the different response rates from each method. We’re also looking at the respondent characteristics to see how well each respondent group reflects the age, sex, race/ethnicity, and other characteristics of the Bexar County adult population overall. The lessons we learn will be passed on to the people involved in designing and running large national surveys.

BRFSS survey modules

The two BRFSS survey modules we tested are (1) Social Determinants of Health and (2) Reactions to Race. Again, these modules are part of a larger national survey, so we didn’t create the questions and didn’t have flexibility to change them. Since very little local data exists on things like social support, disability, and people’s experiences with health care, we believe the data we gathered through the survey will be very helpful to people who are working to improve health conditions here in Bexar County.

We’ll post the results here as soon as we can. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us with any questions you have. Thank you again for your help!

(210) 123-1234


1234 Street St San Antonio, TX 78123