Our Reports, Infographics, and Other Projects

CINow is committed to providing comprehensive support for informed decision-making by conducting thorough analyses of the provided data.

Delve deeper into our commitment to informed decision-making with detailed analyses in the reports & infographics available below

Data Insights on Investor-Owned Residential Property

Explore our work on who owns residential properties in San Antonio and how it affects housing challenges like displacement. Visit our project page to learn more about investor-owned residential property.

State of the Nonprofit Sector 2024

The State of the Nonprofit Sector report is a comprehensive study on nonprofit organizations’ collective scope, activities and economic and social impact in Bexar County and surrounding counties.

South Bexar County Community Health Needs Assessment Report 2023

For the first health assessment to focus solely on South Bexar County, the IPH at University Health partnered with CINow to assess the living conditions, health behaviors, health outcomes, and needs of residents living in South Bexar County.

Access to Health Care in Bexar County During COVID-19

The Access to Health Care in Bexar County During COVID-19 (2023) collaborative report weaves together extant, survey, focus group, and interview data to understand how the pandemic affected access to and utilization of medical, dental, and mental health care.

Language Access Study for the City of San Antonio

The Language Access Study was completed for the City of San Antonio’s Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion Department to understand what languages are spoken in San Antonio and Bexar County, and in what neighborhoods those languages are most common.

Bexar County Community Health Needs Assessment

Commissioned by The Health Collaborative, the 2022 CHNA includes about 100 indicators on social and economic determinants of health, health-related behaviors, well-being, illness and injury, and death, all disaggregated by race/ethnicity, age group, sex, and ZIP code where available.

Atascosa County Community Health Needs Assessment

In collaboration with The Health Collaborative, CINow helped with a needs assessment for Atascosa County. The needs assessment is based on the Bay Area Health Inequities Initiative (BARHII) framework with strong emphasis on social determinants of health.

Bexar County Healthy Aging Profile 2022

The Profile is intended to provide a common set of current measures to inform the community’s work to improve the quality of life of Bexar County’s older adults. Where the data allows for it, the profile identifies those indicators for which the difference between Bexar County and Texas is statistically significant.


We Want to Meet You

Connect with us at CINow to explore the endless ways data can make communities stronger. Whether you have questions, ideas, or a potential partnership in mind – we want to be of service to you.

1234 Street St San Antonio, TX 78123